Stacked Caprese Salad

Stacked Caprese Salad

This is a fun serving idea to jazz up classic Caprese Salad, which is truly one of my favorite dishes. Last winter when I made my delicious Beet Stacks, I thought, I’ve got to try this with Caprese this summer! This Stacked Caprese Salad is perfect for a summer dinner party.

This is such an elegant dish and it only takes a few minutes to make. It’s perfect for summertime when you’ve got an abundance of tomatoes and fresh basil in the garden.

Stacked Caprese Salad
Stacked Caprese Salad

You can make as many of these as you want, but for reference, the three stacks you see here used exactly one standard mozzarella ball, 2 large tomatoes, and 9 large basil leaves.

Stacked Caprese Salad

Stacked Caprese Salad

Large tomatoes, thickly sliced
Mozzarella, sliced
Sea salt, black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Fresh basil

  1. Place a large basil leaf and tomato slice, on a serving platter. Grind sea salt and black pepper over tomatoes. Set mozzarella slices on top and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  2. Repeat layers: basil, tomato, salt and pepper, mozzarella, EVOO, balsamic, basil, tomato, and a small piece of mozzarella.
  3. If desired, drizzle with a bit of balsamic reduction and top with a small piece of mozzarella. Finish with a bit more salt and pepper.

Variations: try this easy dish with garlic olive oil, a drizzle of pesto, or purple basil!

Happy stacking,

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