Plum Perfect Rose

Plum Perfect Rose

Could this ruffled floribunda be any more dreamy? This enormous, show-stopping purple ruffled floribunda rose is the prize of my garden! It’s SO low maintenance – perfect for beginners! Jackson and Perkins calls Plum Perfect “the epitome of floral excellence” and they are spot on with that assessment. The ruffled petals are so fancy, you might feel like you fell down a rabbit hole into Wonderland. 

Want 15% off plants at my beloved Jackson & Perkins for exceptional roses shipped to your door? Use the promo code ROSETABLE15!

Plum Perfect Rose
Plum Perfect Rose

Plum Perfect is part of the Kordes Sunbelt Collection, which means it’s quite at home in my dry, hot garden near Dallas, Texas. It’s a self-cleaning rose, which means you don’t have to deadhead it to get more blooms.

Update 2/26/22: the Jackson & Perkins website says that Plum Perfect grows 3-4 feet tall and the blooms are about 2-3″. However, my Plum Perfect rose now easily stands over five feet tall. I promise this spring I’ll take an updated photo for you. It’s a real show-stopper in my front yard: tall, wide, and constantly covered in blooms.

Plum Perfect Rose
Plum Perfect Floribunda Rose
Back when Plum Perfect was just a baby!
Plum Perfect Rose
Plum Perfect Rose
Plum Perfect Rose

This beauty lives in my front yard, greeting my guests with all her glory. She sits next to Show Your Stripes. Both are only a year old but are doing marvelous, with healthy foliage and no signs of disease. They have full sun and well drained soil. Plum Perfect bloomed first and kept me in constant supply of blooms for the last month.

Plum Perfect Rose
Plum Perfect Rose

This is such a fragrant rose, I often notice joggers stopping to smell the beautiful pinkish-purple blooms! The blooms smell incredible, like sweet summer berries. If you’re looking for an easy keeper with an amazing fragrance, this is the rose for you.

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Plum Perfect Floribunda Rose

Happy gardening,

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5 responses to “Plum Perfect Rose”

  1. […] Read about Plum Perfect here. […]

  2. […] I shouldn’t play favorites, but it surely’s laborious to not be enchanted with this show-stopping rose. By no means have I ever observed a rose with such a lot of blooms. It’s staggering! Unfortunately this rose doesn’t have a lot of a smell nor does she final as a lower flower however my gosh, does she ever make up for it within the sheer selection of blooms. She’s truly by no means by no means no longer lined in blooms for roughly 8 months! Learn all about Plum Easiest right here. […]

  3. […] I shouldn’t play favorites, but it’s hard not to be enchanted with this show-stopping rose. Never have I ever seen a rose with so many blooms. It’s staggering! Sadly this rose doesn’t have much of a scent nor does she last as a cut flower but my gosh, does she ever make up for it in the sheer number of blooms. She’s really never never not covered in blooms for about 8 months! Read all about Plum Perfect here. […]

  4. […] I shouldn’t play favorites, nevertheless it’s laborious to not be enchanted with this show-stopping rose. By no means have I ever seen a rose with so many blooms. It’s staggering! Sadly this rose doesn’t have a lot of a scent nor does she final as a lower flower however my gosh, does she ever make up for it within the sheer variety of blooms. She’s actually by no means by no means not coated in blooms for about 8 months! Learn all about Plum Good right here. […]

  5. […] I shouldn’t play favorites, but it’s hard not to be enchanted with this show-stopping rose. Never have I ever seen a rose with so many blooms. It’s staggering! Sadly this rose doesn’t have much of a scent nor does she last as a cut flower but my gosh, does she ever make up for it in the sheer number of blooms. She’s really never never not covered in blooms for about 8 months! Read all about Plum Perfect here. […]

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